The Secret
-By Rhonda Byrne
-By Rhonda Byrne
The Australian author Rhonda Byrne wrote 198 page book “The Secret” which gives the glimpse of a great secret i.e. The Secret Of Life. The essence of the secret is the “Law of Attraction”. It tells that whatever happens to you is the result of your thoughts.
As you learn the Secret you will come to know you can get whatever you want by attracting it towards yourself. Whatever you think may be good or bad, it comes to you. If you are sure of getting something and try your best to achieve it, the entire world will respond to your need. The secret tell you who you really are. You will come to know the true magnificence that awaits you. You can apply the secret in your relationships, life, health, work, money; it promises abundance of happiness.
Twenty nine amazing teachers are featured in this book. It contains the secret teachers’ words and miraculous stories of the secret in action. When you think in harmony with the frequency of something, you attract it to you. If you think about wealth, you will receive wealth. If you think instead about your debt, you will receive more debt. You attract what you think about; your thoughts determine your destiny. Thus The secret is to think positively, to become a magnet for the goal you desire and to use the law of attraction to make your dreams come true.
The secret brings joy to billions around the world. It does not matter who you are or where you are, the secret can give you whatever you want by just a change in your thought. Therefore you become what you think most and you also attract what you think about most. Your life right now is the reflection of your past thought and what you are thinking right now is creating your future. Your thoughts are your destiny.
Hence you are the most powerful magnet in the universe .You contain a magnetic power within you that is powerful than anything, and this unfathomable power is emitted through your thoughts.
If you have a clear perspective in your mind about what you want, and make that your dominant thought you will bring it into your life. The law of attraction will give you what you think and focus with all of your intentions.
Rhonda Byrne tell us to Replace your previous thoughts by good thoughts because your currents thoughts are creating your future as what you think about the most or focus on the most will appear as your life.
She also mentions to make a list of some secret shifters. By secret shifters it means feelings that can be changed in a snap. It might be beautiful memories, future events, nature, person you love, your favourite music. Then if you find yourself angry or frustrated or not feeling good, turn to your secret shifters list and focus on one of them. Different things will shift you at different times, so if one doesn’t work go to another. It only takes a minute or two changing focus to shift yourself and shift frequency. By this way you can create your day in advance by thinking the way you want it to go, and you will create your life intentionally.
Emotions are also valuable tools that instantly tell us what we are thinking. So to know what you are thinking ask yourself how you are feeling, how is your mood.
Visualisation is an influential means to secret. Visualise what you want, imagination is everything. It is a preview of life’s coming attractions. One should even have focused thoughts. She also enlighten that power of living is to have an attitude of gratitude..Be grateful of the things you have. Always think you have in abundance. When you open yourself to feel abundance of the universe , you’ll experience the wonder, joy , bliss and all the great things that the universe has for you- good health, good wealth, good nature. But when you shut yourself off the negative thoughts you will feel the discomfort you will feel the aches you will feel the pain and you will feel as if every day is painful to get through. Even if you expect then expect the things you want it will draw those things to you. It will itself come in abundance.
If you want to attract a relationship make sure your thoughts words actions and surroundings don’t contradict your desires. But before that treat yourself with love and respect, and you will attract people who show you love and respect. Thereafter to make any relationship work, focus on what you appreciate about the other person and not the complaints. If you focus on the strengths you will get more of them.
Laugh a lot, Laughter is the best medicine; it attracts joy releases negativity and leads to miraculous cures. Think thoughts of perfection. Praise and bless everything in the world and you will dissolve negativity and discord and align yourself with the highest frequency- love
Thus the rational of is to The secret is to have positive thoughts which help to shape your life. It tell to do the things that you love and that brings you joy, as you commit to joy you will attract an avalanche of joyful things because you are radiating joy. It guides us to be happy from now and feel good from now.
The main fun is that there are many shortcuts to the secret and you get to choose the shortcuts that work best for you.
The secret lies within you the more you use the power within you, the more you will draw it to you. Once you discover the secret you won’t need to practice anymore, because you will be the power, you will be the perfection, you will be the wisdom, you will be the intelligence, you will be the love and you will be the joy. Therefore solution to everything lies within. The secret focuses our hopes self ward and not God wards. It is about self empowerment, self fulfilment, and getting whatever we want. She articulates that you are born to add something, add value to this world.
Superb. Its really a positive vibes giving book and a must read book by everyone